Evaluator preparing for "BLACK BEAR 2011"
As a second part, its activity has established multinational team of evaluators „EVAL TEAM“. In this team are incorporated members of the Military Police of countries which are involved in the project NATO MNMPBAT. The reason for their earlier arrival is the precision preparation for the exercise, the MTA Lešť familiarization and detailed study of all events which are prepared for the exercising units.
We bring you interview with LTC Roman GOTTFRIED – Chief of the EVAL TEAM.
For the multinational military police exercise BLACK BEAR 2011 (BB 2011), he is designated as a Exercise director (EXDIR) deputy for the Evaluation. Back home, within the Ministry of defense of the Czech Republic he serves as a deputy commander of the territorial Military police Unit in Olomouc. In the NATO Multinational Military Police project (MNMPBAT) he has been involved since its beginning. He served as battalion S3 Chief, then battalion Chief of Staff. Later, he was appointed as a part of the Exercise Directorate and after as a Chief of the Evaluation Team (EVAL TEAM). This year, he is second time as Chief of this group of evaluators.
What is the EVAL TEAM primary task in the exercise BB 2011?
„Due to fact, that this Exercise conclude 4-year preparation cycle of the NATO MNMPBAT, where such exercise was conducted in all project participating countries (2008-Poland, 2009-Czech republic, 2010-Croatia), it is assumed that EVAL TEAM evaluate and analyze current status of the battalion preparation. NATO MNMPBAT should be certified and affiliated to the MNC NE in the year 2012 and therefore it is necessary that EVAL TEAM brings methodology how to certify the battalion according the CREVAL (NATO methodology for Combat Readiness Evaluation).“
What is the EVAL TEAM structure?
„Currently, the EVAL TEAM has 17 members. They have experience in various military and military police cabalities. Beside myself, each participating country provides equal members – four.“
Could you tell us something about the activities which will be fullfiled by the members of the EVAL TEAM?
„EVAL TEAM has determined for itself 3 fundamental objectives; to objectively evaluate:
1. Military decision process (MDMP) and methodology of Command and Control (C2) of the battalion command elements and battalion staff;
2. Tactical procedures during the military police operations conducted by the battalion within the specific environment;“
3. Quality of the information flow between battalion units and battalion tactical operating center (TOC).
In order to fullfil our objectives we have to assign evaluators to the key places – battalion command elements and staff, TOC and at the places where each operational situation will be developed according the scenario of the multinational exercise BB 2011.“
Thank you for your interview.