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September 2024

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Day started with a rocket attack

Day started with a rocket attack

Exercise of the Multinational Military Police Battalion (MNMPBAT) NATO Black Bear 2011 started its final part from the midnight of Wednesdays 14th to Thursday 15th September. According to the exercise scenario the exercising units had to react timely and properly to individual incidents and they where supervised by the evaluators.

Opposite forces began developing their activities. Shortly after midnight the opposite forces fired a missile at the camp Slavia, where multinational units were accommodated. The Polish, Czech, Croatian and Slovak soldiers took a cover in the shelter after announcement of rocket attack. They were waiting there until the rocket attack threat was over.

In the morning the Multinational MP’s investigated a traffic accident and also they assisted with a meeting of the representative of the local government and the representative of the AUFOR. During the meeting the Slovak unit of the NATO MNMPBAT was engaged in small arms fire with the opposite forces. The attack brought casualties on the both sites. During that attack the representative of the AUFOR was evacuated to a safety area and battalion members were supposed to return back to the camp when their convoy was attacked by the opposite forces. There were no casualties during this attack. The battalion members on their way to the camp also found an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) and requested assistance of the EOD team (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) that eliminated this threat.

In the afternoon members of the Polish unit had a hard time when they set up the CP (Check Point) and shortly after this it was suddenly attacked. The attack was successfully averted but there were KIAs (Killed in Action) and WIAs (Wounded In Action). MEDEVAC was called for a quick transport of casualties. Polish soldiers secured LZ (Landing Zone) for MEDEVAC helicopter, which transported wounded soldiers to the hospital.

In the evening group of locals approached to the camp gate and demonstrated against the coalition troops mistakenly thinking that they are responsible for their low living standard and their problems. The demonstration almost increased to open attack to the gate. After long negotiation one part of demonstrators left the area but second part used handcuffs and tied themselves to the concrete obstacles in front of the gate. They wanted to stay there to block entrance to the camp in order to obstruct coalition vehicles from entering and leaving the camp. For that reason the RRG (Rapid Reaction Group) was dispatched to the scene and convinced demonstrators that their effort is pointless and persuaded them to unblock the camp gate.

Day started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attackDay started with a rocket attack

Autor: Jozef Žiak , Foto: Jozef Žiak - Dátum: 16.09.2011
Čítanosť: 8086
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