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Friday´s raid at schol and elections

Friday´s  raid at schol and elections

Within the frame of Multinational MP battalion excercise BLECK BEAR 2011, in it´s first appearance in Slovakia Military training area Lešť on Friday MP´s got through field test to anti terorist raid and evacuation of the school building.

Dangerous criminal broke into Pliešovce primary school building and attemptet the lives of schoolchilds an teachers with explosive substance. Locals throgh village major asked MNMPBAT for help. MNMPBAT composed of military policemen from Poland, Czech republic, Croatia and Slovakia reached the village. They broke into school building and in succesive steps they suceeded to evacuate pupils and teachers and took them to secure place. Meanwhile special MP unit from Prešov roped down from helicopter on to football pitch oposit the school building. Negotiator was still in contact with criminal and Slovakia MP specialists got to school through rear section to paralyse terrorist and release hostages.

School director Mgr. Darina Sýkorová with the staff approved MP unit for it´s prompt action and admitted that for pupils this practice exercise is more meaningfull than long hour of theory or speculation. Schoolchild had an opportunity to familiarize themselve with armamend and equipment of policemen of countries participating on excercise. Many boys admired MP´s and started to think about MP as a future profession.

In the afternoon MNMPBAT guarded local elections where arised several jams which jeopardized legitimacy of election. Polish and Czech MP provided safety guard in and around poll station, checked coming voters whether they weren´t gun carrying, or were able to violate election regulations. After ending of election MNMPBAT provided escort of ballot box and during transfer they had to beat back several attacks to stole ballot box with voting cards.

In the course of the excercise selectet members of Martin repair squad under comand of corporal Jozefa Cibuľu helped to care for military vehicles. According to cpl Cibuľa up to now they repaired several tire punctures, welded exhaust pipes, coped with smaller plumbing jobs also transmission repair of Polish truck.

Friday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and electionsFriday´s  raid at schol and elections

Autor: Jozef Žiak , Foto: Jozef Žiak - Dátum: 17.09.2011
Čítanosť: 7358
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