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Morning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway station

Morning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway station

On Sunday, members of the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion in wooden camp Slavia had their breakfast a little earlier than on other days. At seven o'clock field holy mass took place in the dining hall, celebrated by dean of the Air Force, Colonel Marko Trochan and attended by Slovak and Polish soldiers. Among them was the exercise director Colonel Vít Gabrhel. COL Marko Trochan, in his sermon, encouraged exercising battalion members and appreciated their work being carried out by the military police members for the benefit of the entire armed forces.

In preparation of the VIP day the Polish, Czech and Croatian soldiers, who came in a motorcade of vehicles to the area so called Little Moscow, were practicing intervention against the terrorists, that were hiding in one flat of the apartment building. After a rappel from the helicopter on the building roof they were supported by team members from the Prešov military police unit. Intervening units discovered a drug laboratory during the crime scene search. Unit overcame resistance of terrorists, cleaned the whole building and secured relevant evidence.

SVBIED /Suicide Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device/ terrorists attack against the coalition vehicles took place in the Belfry area. It resulted with dead and wounded Polish soldiers. Czech squad under the command of Lieutenant Igor Szabo was in charge of response to the incident, supported by the Croatian dog handler. Dog handler searched entire incident area with his dog before the firefighters could enter the scene and extinguish the fire. Also the Czech EOD specialist checked the incident scene with a detector for possible remains and components of the IED system. Only then the fire could be extinguished and Slovak medic sorted casualties according to the severity of their injuries. Next, the Czech soldiers provided medical assistance for their Polish injured colleagues. Then, the specialists examined thoroughly the place of explosion, secured samples, collected the evidence and photographically documented the incident scene. They worked in close cooperation with a team that is trying to figure out as soon as possible method used by the terrorists in order to prevent it in the future, and minimize the possibility of a similar attack. Intervention was also attended by rescue elements (fire and ambulance) and cooperation with a local police has been established.

Subsequently, at the premises of railway station a crowd of protesters began to gather. They were armed with sticks and iron bars and were about to attack the refugees, who were concentrated in one of the trains at the station. This incident was prevented by the joint Polish-Czech-Slovakia-Croatian crowd control unit. This unit had managed to gradually force the attackers to withdraw from the train station. But, this still was not the end of complications. Polish intervention team under command of Lieutenant Robert Osipowicz had to intervene inside the train-set, where two people attacked the escort group responsible for refugees. Polish soldiers entered the train, detained attackers and escorted them into custody.

The final episode of Sunday’s preparation for a VIP day presentation was the mobile check-point, represented by the Czech mobile scanner. With this device passengers and their luggage were inspected. Slovak dog handler then directly scanned persons for presence of drugs and explosives and Polish soldiers conducted a thorough personal search of the suspect person.

Morning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway stationMorning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway station

Autor: Jozef Žiak , Foto: Jozef Žiak - Dátum: 19.09.2011
Čítanosť: 8660
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