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January 2033

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Background (History)

In 1999, NATO launched the Defence Capabilities Initiative (DCI), an effort to enable the alliance to deploy troops quickly to crisis regions, to supply and protect those forces, and to equip them to engage an adversary effectively.

At its 2002 summit in Prague, NATO approved a new initiative, the Prague Capabilities Commitment (PCC). PCC was focused on a smaller number of goals, emphasized multinational cooperation and specialization thus required specific commitments from member states, and was designed with a particular force in mind: the NATO Response Force (NRF). In order to bolster alliance members’ capabilities concerning deployable combat support and combat service support units POL, CZE, HRV and SVK agreed to establish NATO MNMPBAT.

Few years passed before this idea was brought to live though. However, once it was launched, the process of NATO MNMPBAT development speeded up impressively. A short overview of battalion history is presented below:

  1. 2005 – efforts on working out Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
  2. Dec 2005 – works on Implementing Arrangement (IA) initiated.
  3. Mar 2006 – Control & Coordination Group (CCG) and Financial Group (FG) established.
  4. 12 May – 23 Aug 2006 – MoU signed by HRV, CZE, POL and SVK Ministers of Defence.
  5. Oct 2006 – 1st NATO MNMPBAT Workshop in Gliwice – effort put on development of NATO MNMPBAT Standing Operational Procedures (SOP).
  6. 05 June 2007 – MoU came into effect.
  7. 12 Jun 2007 – NATO MNMPBAT Opening Ceremony – IA signed by HRV, CZE, POL and SVK MP Chiefs.


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