Operational Planning Process Course

Operational Planning Process Course

During the 21st – 25th of February 2011 the OPP (Operational Planning Process) course was held in the Academy of Armed Forces of Slovak Republic in the region of Liptovský Mikulaš for the participants ( MPs) of the multinational project MNMPBAT (multinational military police battalion). The above mentioned course attended MPs from The Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. From the project participating countries the course attended members of the battalion HQ and Staff (members of the Staff Sections).

The main objective of the course was to coordinate operational planning process among the participating nations and to clear up some differences and discrepancies among the national procedures within OPP.

The grate appreciation is given to the director of Center of Education of AOS Mr. Chlebec for helpful attitude to the organization of this course for MPs family as well as to instructors of ISOC course CPT Chovanec and CPT. Harnadek for their professionalism and qualified attitude during the given lectures.

Operational Planning Process CourseOperational Planning Process CourseOperational Planning Process Course

Autor: UVP PO , Foto: UVP PO - Dátum: 02.03.2011
Čítanosť: 11715
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