Preparation phase of the LIVEX "BLACK BEAR 2011"

Preparation phase of the LIVEX

From the 5 SEPT 2011 has started the preparation phase of the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion LIVEX, which is going to be conducted in the MTA Lešť in the period 12 – 20 SEPT 2011 under the codename “BLACK BEAR 2011”.

Step by step, the preparation team started to create all necessary places and parts for the LIVEX in the MTA Lešť. Important part for the field training is the cooking of the meals for the training audience (TA), exercise directorate (EXDIR) and support units. This area is covered by units from the Joing Logistics Support Group (JLSG) and its Multipurpose logistics battalion (MLB) from Hlohovec, who established container type of field kitchen in the area of Camp SLAVIA. Kitchen is able to produce 3 times per day food for 350 soldiers.

Members of the Vehicle maintenance battalion from Martin established field motor pool for vehicles of the TA. Moreover members of the JLSG supported construction of the container storage field, which is suited as a storage space for the materiel of the TA and supported enhancing of the entry point to the Camp SLAVIA (speed bump).

Medical materiel and personnel is provided by the MLB Hlohovec with cooperation with the Main Medic Bureau from Ružomberok.

Another important area is information and communication services. This area is covered by the Center of the Mobile Communication and Information systems from Ružomberok with cooperation with the Center of the Stationary Comminication and Information systems from Trenčín. These two elements established voice and data connectivity for all parts of the Exercise.

Due to fact that Military Police, Slovakia, does not possess ligistician capabilities and logistician vehicler or materiel, this area is covered by the means of the Headquarters of the training and support of the Armed forces of the Slovak republic.

Thanks belongs also to the Institute of special health care and training of the Ministry of Defence of Slovak republic (ISHTC) and its subordinate part: Simulation technology department.

Military Police members are continuosly preparing exercise workplaces in designated facilities as Simulation technology department ISHTC, Chalet Dolina and Camp SLAVIA.

All activities included in the preparation phase, which ends on 11 SEPT 2011, are mentored and directed by the members of the Military Police Slovakia, which hosted the Exercise this year. Area of the exercise planning, exercise documentation, exercise execution and operational preparation is directed by the LTC Viselka, area of the logistic support is directed by the LTC Čintalan and LTC Dolinay (from Headquarters of the training and support of the Armed forces of the Slovak republic), area of the force protection is directed by the LTC Kudláč and area of the CIS is directed by the LTC Mičo.

Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX Preparation phase of the LIVEX

Autor: MP , Foto: MP - Dátum: 11.09.2011
Čítanosť: 8932
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