Breaking news
Ceremonial conclusion of the exercise Black Bear 2011
21.09.2011Early in the evening of 19th September with ceremonial line up of all exercise participants the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion exercise Black Bear 2011 t...Zdroj:
VIP day at the exercise Black Bear 2011
20.09.2011NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion exercise Black Bear 2011 culminated on Monday 19th September in the Military Training Area Lešť by so called VIP day. Prac...Zdroj:
Morning holy mass, rappel in the Little Moscow and intervention at the railway station
19.09.2011On Sunday, members of the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion in wooden camp Slavia had their breakfast a little earlier than on other days. At seven o'clock ...Zdroj:
Intervention in the Little Moscow and convoy ambush
18.09.2011During Saturday the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion /MNMPBAT/ members during the exercise Black Bear 2011 had to solve two important tasks in one time. Th...Zdroj:
Friday´s raid at schol and elections
17.09.2011Within the frame of Multinational MP battalion excercise BLECK BEAR 2011, in it´s first appearance in Slovakia Military training area Lešť on Friday MP´s g...Zdroj:
Day started with a rocket attack
16.09.2011Exercise of the Multinational Military Police Battalion (MNMPBAT) NATO Black Bear 2011 started its final part from the midnight of Wednesdays 14th to Thursday 15th Sep...Zdroj:
The fastest shooter NATO MNMPBAT
15.09.2011After end of the live shooting of the Multinational Military Police Battalion (MNNPBAT) all participating NATO countries in the international exercise BLACK BEAR 2011,...Zdroj:
Wednesday in a sign of live shooting
15.09.2011All national units devoted on exercise, as well staff members, attended the Wednesday live shooting. At firing range were shooting from the small arms which they have ...Zdroj:
The NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion began training on Lešť
14.09.2011In the military training area of the military district Lešť (VP VO), during days from 12 to 20 September 2011, members of the Multinational Military Police Battalion -...Zdroj:
MTA Lešť - MNMPBAT open fire
13.09.2011On Monday morning, the Slovak members of the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion moved from camp Slávia to the shooting range which is used for fighting vehic...Zdroj:
Preparation phase of the LIVEX "BLACK BEAR 2011"
11.09.2011From the 5 SEPT 2011 has started the preparation phase of the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion LIVEX, which is going to be conducted in the MTA Lešť in the...Zdroj:
Ended the phase of training exercises "BLACK BEAR 2011"
11.09.2011On Sunday, 11. September. 2011 took place phase of preparations for the international exercise NATO MNMPBAT BLACK BEAR 2011. All workplaces for themselves and exercise...Zdroj:
Evaluator preparing for "BLACK BEAR 2011"
11.09.2011As a second part, its activity has established multinational team of evaluators „EVAL TEAM“. In this team are incorporated members of the Military Police o...Zdroj:
Multinational Military Police Battalion Command Post Exercise - Day four.
12.05.2011As the previous days, the next training day begins with EXDIR morning briefing. Training audience (TA) has the last morning for exercising in the area of the Simulatio...Zdroj:
Multinational Military Police Battalion Command Post Exercise - Day three.
12.05.2011The EXDIR opened this training day and during a short morning update provided audience with basic information regarding upcoming simulated situations. Followin...Zdroj:
Multinational Military Police Battalion Command Post Exercise - Day two.
10.05.2011On Tuesday, 10 May 2011 after initial briefing chaired by the exercise director (EXDIR) COL Vít Gabrhel and welcome speech of the vice-rector of the Armed Forces Acade...Zdroj:
Command Assisted Excercise of the Multinational battalion military police
09.05.2011On 9th – 13th May 2001, at the center of simulation technologies Academy Armed Forces gen- M.R. Štefánika in Liptovský Mikuláš hosts an international Command Ass...Zdroj:
The NATO MNMPBAT staff preparation has begun in the Poland
01.04.2011Within the time period 14 - 18 March 2011 the NATO MNMPBAT staff has started with its first working session that took place in the Polish Military Police Training Scho...Operational Planning Process Course
02.03.2011During the 21st – 25th of February 2011 the OPP (Operational Planning Process) course was held in the Academy of Armed Forces of Slovak Republic in the region of...Zdroj:
Initial planning conference
14.02.2011 At area of the Armed forces Academy of General M.R. Stefanik was held Initial planning conference, which main goal was preparation of the Military police Multin...Zdroj: